Devon and Cornwall Wader Ringing Group

setting mist nets - Tim Frayling.jpg
High Tide 3.82m @ 20:19, Sunset 16:09, Rendezvous 15:30

A mixed experience team of 10 assembled at 15:30pm at RSPB Exminster Marshes to set nets around the RSPB lagoon field, on the highest tide of the new moon sequence. It took a while to assemble the team with congestion in the canalside car park, and some team members having advised of late arrivals due to other commitments.

There was a bit more of a northerly breeze than forecast, but it was overcast and the wind was forecast to drop. Based on previous successes this winter, a line of 3 large mesh nets were set on each bund and a line of five 3-panel wader nets were set across the central pool in the same location as in November and December. Water levels were high, and some ares of the main pool were only just navigable in wellies. All nets were set by 16:45 and the team retreated to set up the ringing base and wait for darkness.

Setting mist-nets on Exminster Marshes © P PerrinsSetting mist-nets on Exminster Marshes © P Perrins

Setting mist-nets Exminster Marshes © R PhillipsSetting mist-nets Exminster Marshes© R Phillips

Lagoon only just accessible in wellies! © R PhillipsLagoon only just accessible in wellies! © R Phillips

By 17:30 when the tape lures were deployed the wind had eased, slackening the tension on the windward guys of the main run of nets requiring additional stakes and guys.

Ringing base at Exminster Marshes © R PhillipsRinging base at Exminster Marshes © R PhillipsThe wind had dropped completely by the first net round at 18:00 and with a heavy overcast sky there was optimism of a good catch when birds would be pushed off the estuary by the spring tide. That net round produced a single Snipe from the bund nets.

Snipe @ P PerrinsSnipe @ P Perrins

The following round was blank and at 19:00 the over-water nets produced a Redshank, but there was very little sign or sound of waders moving onto the pools. More blank net rounds followed and apart from a near miss with a small flock of Canada Geese nothing further was caught.

Once the peak of the tide had passed and it was clear that there was no further movement of waders into the area, the decision was taken to pack up and the team was off site by 21:20.

The conclusion was that the cold conditions earlier in the week, when some of the pools had frozen over, had caused the birds to change their behaviour, possibly even leaving the area.

Thanks are due to RSPB for granting access to their sites for this work and for their assistance and support. There is clearly more to learn about how the birds are using the site in different weather conditions..

Mist-netting Background

The use of mist-nets on high tides during the hours of darkness is less selective in which species are caught, but this technique provides us with  additional opportunities to catch and ring waders in the region. A mist-net catch can usually be managed with a smaller team and without the need for a specialist cannon net license holder or the preparatory work needed to reconnaisace precise roost sites and set cannon nets in advance of the planned catch tide.

Our focus on the Exe estuary is the wintering Oystercatcher population and this species is our primary target for mist-netting as we aim to catch birds flying into the high-tide roosts.

Oystercatchers are faithful to wintering sites so the birds you have seen here years ago may be the same ones now. The oldest Dawlish Warren Oystercatcher on record is at least 36 years old, last seen in Jan 2018.

If you see a bird with one of our colour rings, please use the form on this website to send us the details (ring-code, date, location, species) or you can send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Mist-netting totals

2023-2024 winter totals

Species Ringed Retraps Controls Colour ringed
Redshank 12 0 0 0
Snipe 7 0 0 0
Curlew 10 0 0 10
Dunlin 70 0 1 71
Grey Plover 0 1 0 0
Black-tailed Godwit 5 0 0 0
Bar-tailed Godwit 1 0 0 0
Water Rail 1 0 0 0
Mallard 1 0 0 0
Turnstone 1 0 0 0

2024-2025 winter totals

Species Ringed Retraps Controls Colour ringed
Dunlin 3 0 0 3
Redshank 1 0 0 0
Lapwing 1 0 0 0
Snipe 1 0 0 0

Grand totals

Species Ringed Retraps Controls Colour ringed
Dunlin 124 0 1 121
Redshank 53 0 0 0
Lapwing 6 0 0 0
Snipe 9 0 0 0
Curlew 30 0 0 30
Grey Plover 2 1 0 2
Black-tailed Godwit 36 0 0 0
Bar-tailed Godwit 22 0 0 0
Water Rail 1 0 0 0
Mallard 1 0 0 0
Turnstone 1 0 0 0
Jack Snipe 1 0 0 0
Teal 1 0 0 0
Common Gull 1 0 0 0
Oystercatcher 48 0 0 44
Woodcock 1 0 0 0
Knot 1 0 0 0
Greenshank 1 0 0 0

© 2018-2025 Devon and Cornwall Wader Ringing Group

Website design and build by Garganey Consulting